Pakistan’s Hybrid Democracy
One. A mixed rule by elected representatives and military establishment is a hybrid democracy. The combined ability of the military establishment and elected representatives to run the core affairs of the state is the emerging model of Pakistan’s democracy. […]
Sevens Manifesto for Democracy
One. Democracy is an imperfect form of government but superior to dictatorship (rule of one), kingship (rule of a royal family), theocracy (rule of clerics), oligarchy (rule of a group of tyrants), and aristocracy (rule of an educated and […]
American Professors Under Attack for Criticizing Israel
L. Ali Khan Canary Mission, an anonymous surveillance website now operating for nearly a decade, identifies American professors, students, and professionals for their criticisms of Israeli policies in the occupied territories of Gaza, West Bank, and Golan Heights. The […]
Pakistan’s Chief Justice Undermines Supreme Court Credibility
L. Ali Khan Imagine a system under which the U.S. Supreme Court hears cases as panels consisting of three to five Justices rather than as a full court of nine. Suppose that the Chief Justice makes a five-Justice panel […]
Pakistan Supreme Court Needs to Focus on the Speaker’s Ruling
The Pakistan Supreme Court, in a suo moto action, is reviewing the Deputy Speaker’s ruling that dismissed the no-confidence resolution against the Prime Minister. The Court must not waste time considering irrelevant questions and needs to focus on the […]
Prime Minister Plays Ball with the Constitution
Given the non-democratic implications of Article 63A, the Supreme Court will likely interpret its provisions supporting representative democracy rather than upholding the hegemony of Party Heads. The Court is unlikely to enforce the Party Head’s command to deny the defectors the right to assembly or vote in a no-confidence resolution. The Court will throw away the Speaker’s ruling that refuses to count the defectors’ votes supporting a no-confidence resolution. It is unpredictable whether the Court will mitigate the disqualification punishment for defection.
501 Laws – The Law of Square Roots
Law #351. √-1 effect: metaverse Notes The human mind perceives reality, and then it flips to see reality. What is real is indeed the imaginary, and vice versa. Poets, artists, and mathematicians know that reality and imagination are interchangeable. […]
501 Laws: Crimes against Culture
Law #304. Crimes against Culture purpose: domination Notes “Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community.” Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Crimes against culture include the suppression of language, literature, humor, songs, cuisine, […]